The Kinark Outdoor Centre (KOC) has a rich history of residential camping, outdoor education, recreational programming, and community building. From skill development, family enrichment, social recreation, respite, and adventure-based experiences, the KOC offers high-quality programming and once-in-a-lifetime experiences in a safe, well-supported and natural environment.
The KOC provides children and youth with a special-needs diagnosis, and their families, the opportunity to try new activities in a supported camp environment. Additional fee-for-service outdoor recreation and community building programs are available for schools, faith-based organizations and therapeutic groups. Funds generated by these programs help to support our specialized programs, meals and the camp infrastructure.
Kinark invested in improving the accommodations at the Kinark Outdoor Centre. Showers were added to four cabins, and others received fresh paint and window coverings. The kitchen was renovated, and the Eagle’s Nest received a face lift to create a recreation room for teens. In addition, the menu was revised to include alternative meal options, and a pre-order process was established.
The KOC also added new play-based equipment and adaptive sensory equipment as well as new paddle boards.
90% (or 9/10) of families reported their dietary needs were met.